Well... I thought registering a blog account would be such time-consuming process like what it used to be in the old days -- filling in numerous blanks as requested, answering questions in every aspect of life and so on. And thank God it turned out to be a 3-min thing, fast and convenient. OR it's simply me being way over the age to blog and trapped myself with an old-fashioned stereotyped image.

Anyways, as to why I blog, for anyone who might concern, especially the popularity of blogging started to fall these days in Hong Kong, I adore somewhere someone would like to read words more than to skim photos. Certainly I have no idea where it will lead me even though there is a lot I want to do... 

So before everything is settled (or this day will never come), today I would like to translate a song The Luckiest (by Ben Folds Five) from the sweetest movie About Time. Reason being I am thinking of making this a part of the valentine present this year regardless of the form, and I HAPPEN TO know my boyfriend would never like to listen and feel the lyrics himself (or that knowing him for ages naturally gives me the knowledge). He would say, "Don't English me, will you?"

But don't get me wrong, he's a much romantic person than I am. And he deserves a treat.

                                               undefined  (Photo from Keep looking at it will make you dizzy. Experience sharing.)

"The Luckiest"

I don't get many things right the first time 我做事總是無法第一次就做好
In fact, I am told that a lot 別人說搞砸的有很多
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls 原來所有兜兜轉轉跌跌撞撞
Brought me here 都是為了鋪墊今天

And where was I before the day 碰上你以前
That I first saw your lovely face? 到底我的日子是怎麼過的?
Now I see it everyday 現在天天都能看到你
And I know 我就知道

That I am 我是
I am 我的確是
I am 我無疑是
The luckiest 世上最幸運的人

What if I'd been born fifty years before you 我假想,要是我比你早五十年出生
In a house on a street where you lived? 住在鄰近某街某舍
Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike 或許你騎著單車,我們會擦身而過
Would I know? 我們不就沒機會嗎?

And in a white sea of eyes 茫茫人海
I see one pair that I recognize 我找到一雙熟悉的眼睛
And I know 我瞬間明白了

That I am 我是
I am 我的確是
I am 我無疑是
The luckiest 世上最幸運的人

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you 一句「我愛你」不夠形容我的愛

Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties 住在鄰舍有個九十多歲的老伯伯
And one day passed away in his sleep 一天,睡夢中離開了人世
And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days  不久,他的太太
And passed away 也跟著他去了

I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong 原諒我的比喻太笨拙
That I know 直覺告訢我,這就是我倆的愛

That I am 我是
I am 我的確是
I am 我無疑是
The luckiest 世上最幸運的人

P.S. I'm in no hope of discussing translating strategies... that bores me, or today's not in this mood.

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    Cell Tree

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