It was the day before the almost-two-week New Year holiday. Cheerful as I should have been, I was only feeling overwhelming stress. I assume this was not stimulated by the high expectation I held over my holiday although I did make big plans. Frankly, being the first possibility to be eliminated on the list, overexpectation was usually the case for me. But I trust my observation this time, at least for the prelimenary result. So, where does my depression come from? 

Big question. So it only adds to the burden trying to avoid it from happening, but I'm doing it anyway. What puzzles me was that there's zero clues left that I could have foreseen such a matter striking when I'd been over the top just one day before trying to figure out a master plan for this holiday. Satisfied I'd been to have given myself some guidelines to fill the gaps so that I need not improvise (I myself am not easily entertained in stressful moments, especially when the holiday clock is ticking).


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The two got high and were wandering AIMLESSLY

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"A bunch of idiots bypassed all other possibilities to solve a simple 5+5 question and claimed themselves as heroes," that's what I thought when I left the cinema (I held on though. Feeling like a victory of some sort of contests which carry shameful consquences if you lose).

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(Digging for Harvey's quotes, most likely you'll have tons of them mirroring my point, but cocky statements tend to be ignored by cowards, or they don't seem to reach that state of mind to comprehend all that)

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(credits: 舍利/立場新聞)

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RedLetterMedia's school of thought insists that trailers repeat its pattern: establishing shot of a city ---> mysterious, cryptic, and vague lines ---> build up to silence ---> action montage ---> throw in a laser shotting into the sky ---> Title. Let's just say I'm focusing on those of the movies I'm keen on, and surely professionalism which can solely be found on the dedicated. Action films are OUT of the question. I've seen trailers that inspire viewers (whether watched the movie or not) with different expectation of what this story will be like, and honestly some, more or less, do some crappy "movies" (if they could call themselves that) a favor for their box office. 

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That jerking-off face goes down in history (his, apparently)

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5 Jan 2016

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