

Well... (so much I would like to start with other things, "well" popped up. I guess it's my uncertainty to blog at this time, nearly the deadline of my final year project...) I'm in no hurry rushing to the finishing line. Things will be as they should, at least that's what I believe. Even my sister felt strange of me not focusing on work, and immersing myself in the time-out zone.

I need school. School days keep me on track. Regular timetable with some occasional bits of unexpected twist sustains me spiritually.

This song may come off a little far-fetched if you've fallen for the bonding between the lyrics and the human-relationship-oriented MV. Even one human-being is too complicated to be analysed alone for one's layers are designed to act in front of all sorts of people. Billy Milligan has 24 of "himselves". Obviously enough, he was under study to tell this fact, but in my theory, though may not be medically persuasive, it does not necessarily take MPD to divide oneself into different kinds of personality. Purely it is some sort of mechanism of adjustment into various social environments. One changes, while some degree of interconnection of the personalities is in effect. High or low, depends on one's attachment in certain life values.

Okay, too much pretentious speech already. Back to the subject, this song represents more or less language/translation and me.

"Hello" 最近…好嗎?

Hello, it's me 喂,是我。
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet 我在想,這麼多年來,這是不是你想要的生活
To go over everything 過一遍曾經種種
They say that time's supposed to heal ya 儘管人們總溜出一句「時間理應會治療傷痛」
But I ain't done much healing 我沒怎麼好過
Hello, can you hear me 喂喂,聽得清楚嗎?
I'm in California[1] dreaming about who we used to be 我人在加州,回想我倆的曾經
When we were younger and free 那時我倆還年輕
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet 現實還未擲下來,步伐仍很輕快……我已記不起那種感覺

There's such a difference between us 我們之間原來有好一段距離
And a million miles 要數,大概百萬英里……吧

Hello from the other side 來自遠方的一聲問候
I must have called a thousand times 可能已打過來千次百次
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done 我是想說:「對不起,我做錯了很多。」
But when I call you never seem to be home 可是每次我致電,你都似乎沒空接電話
Hello from the outside 來自外面的一聲問候
At least I can say that I've tried 至少我能說我已經嘗試
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart 嘗試告訢你,我很後悔,害你傷心
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore 說或不說也沒關係了吧,反正你不在意

Hello, how are you 喂,最近……好嗎?
It's so typical of me to talk about myself I'm sorry 我一貫抱歉都是如此了了
I hope that you're well 希望你過得還好
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened 你離開過那個小鎮嗎?小鎮外,一切都能重來

It's no secret that the both of us 「我們」的時間剩下不多
Are running out of time 我跟你都清楚

So hello from the other side (other side) 我才在那邊打過來
I must have called a thousand times (thousand times) 打了千次百次
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done 就是想跟你道歉
But when I call you never seem to be home 可是每次我打來,你總不在
Hello from the outside (outside) 我才在外面打過來
At least I can say that I've tried (I've tried) 至少我不是沒嘗試過
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart 嘗試求你原諒我曾經傷透你的心
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore 顯然在你心中已變得無關痛癢了,不再在乎了

(Highs highs highs highs
Lows lows lows lows)
Anymore 不再
Anymore 不再
Anymore 不再
Anymore 不再在乎了

Hello from the other side (other side) 我在對岸致電
I must have called a thousand times (thousand times) 也許多得數不上次數
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done 本想告訢你以往一切我有多懊悔
But when I call you never seem to be home 可是你總是「錯過」我的來電
Hello from the outside (outside) 我在外面致電
At least I can say that I've tried 至少最後我能說,我不是沒有嘗試過
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart 嘗試撫平你的傷痕,嘗試改過
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore 現在管用不管用也罷了,我懂的,你不再介懷了

[1] California: The Gold Rush resembles the "good old days".

Yes, I'm a lousy kid begging for love.

I do believe that the repetition of the chorus stands for something -- probably aggravation in affliction
, therefore it is meant to be translated differently, especially when it is not sung. "Outside" and "typical" in Hello have impressed me a lot, which imply much more than their semantic meanings.


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    Cell Tree

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